Sous Vide a Salmon
Ah the famous words: “You can sous vide everything!” So, I just bought a sous vide. A sous vide is a fancy, well…doesn’t have to be, kitchen gadget that circulates and heats a water bath to the temperature of your desire and maintains it. It’s great for internal food temperature control so you can avoid overcooking. I bought an Anova Nano Sous Vide (recommended by an internal medicine resident at work) with an Anova Vacuum Sealer.

So here is my salmon recipe.
Ziplock or vacuum sealed bag with salmon (salt, pepper, aromatics like rosemary or thyme to taste, and lemon). With the ziplock bag, you can use the water displacement method: close the bag almost all the way and place it in the water bath and let the water push out all the air, then seal it. Let that sit in the bag for 30 min to an hour. Place bag in the sous vide and let it sit at a temperature of 120F for 20 min. 115F makes it too soft and it falls apart. I tried that and it fell apart during bag removal. And when I tried to sear the skin, it fell apart even more.
Like I just said, after, sear it on a pan (suggest non-stick) skin side down for 1 min. Plate it. Use red or white wine to deglace the pan and reduce a little bit and add cream and salt. This is your sauce. Serve over the salmon and enjoy! I added potatoes as my starch to this recipe. You can use mushrooms or asparagus if you choose.
Addendum: I made this prior to watching Seaspiracy on Netflix. I need to think about it some more because that means no more omakase and sous vide salmon.